Pricing & Services
Daycare: $50/Day

Doggie daycare is essential for your dog’s wellbeing. Our cage-free environment ensures they’ll get lots of exercise, develop appropriate social skills and spend quality time with their buddies. On top of that, each pampered pooch enjoys the great outdoors on our famous pack walk. Talk about fun in the sun!
Mondays and Tuesdays
Check In: | 7-9 AM |
Check Out: | 4-6 PM |
Check In: | 7-9 AM |
Check Out: | 4:00 – 4:30 PM |
Check In: | 7-9 AM |
Check Out: | 4-5 PM |
Reservations must be made in advance. Dates and times are set 48 hours prior to scheduled drop off. Reservation times must be selected from within the designated check in and check out window listed above.
*Late fee policy – We charge a $1/minute, up to 45 minutes, at which point your dog will be added for a sleepover night with us, and all fees associated will be due upon check out.
**$5 premium applies to date of any holiday.
***$10 puppy rate is applied for dogs 24 months and under.
****$10 intact rate is applied for dogs that are not spayed or neutered. Services are available on a case-by-case basis and must be discussed prior to sign up. Please contact us for more information.
Sleepover: Starting at $80/Night

Our sleepover accommodations are perfect for those looking for that “home away from home” experience that allows your dog to relax into a vacation of their very own.
Sleepovers include all the great benefits included in our daycare services, along with regulated feeding schedules and a cozy place to spend the night with their canine companions. You’ll also receive a daily picture update so you can “peek in” on all the fun they’re having!
Mondays and Tuesdays
Check In: | 7-9 AM or 4-6 PM |
Check Out: | 7-9 AM |
Check Out: with added Daycare |
4-6 PM |
Check In: | 7-9 AM or 4:00 PM |
Check Out: | 7-9 AM |
Check Out: with added Daycare |
4:00 PM |
Thursdays & Fridays
Check In: | 7-9 AM or 4-5 PM |
Check Out: | 7-9 AM |
Check Out: with added Daycare |
4-5 PM |
Check In: | 8-9 AM |
Check Out: | 8-9 AM |
Check In: | 5-6 PM |
Check Out: with added Daycare |
5-6 PM |
Upon completion of a successful evaluation day, clients may submit their boarding reservations request by clicking the “Current Clients” link.
Reservations must be made in advance. Dates and times are set 48 hours prior to scheduled drop off. Reservation times must be selected from within the designated drop off and pick up window listed above.
*Late fee policy – We charge a $1/minute, up to 45 minutes, at which point your dog will be added for an additional sleepover night with us, and all fees associated will be due upon check out.
**A minimum of 2 days of daycare is required prior to any sleepover. The daycare dates must occur within 30 days prior to sleepover check in. (i.e. If checking in on July 15, your dog must join us for two daycares anytime between June 15-July 14)
***$5 premium applies to date of any holiday and during peak season months of March, May, June, July, August, October, November and December.
****$5 Spring/Fall/Winter Break premium applied to dates of March 10-31, Oct. 10-31, and Nov. 20- Jan. 10
****$10 puppy rate is applied for dogs 24 months and under.
*****$10 intact rate is applied for dogs that are not spayed or neutered. Services are available on a case-by-case basis and must be discussed prior to sign up. Please contact us for more information.
Oats Fur Coats Bath

Let us do the dirty work so you can welcome home your precious paws all cleaned and ready to cuddle.
Our Oats Fur Coats prescription alternative shampoo uses no soap or detergents, and contains natural ingredients like oatmeal and aloe vera to gently cleanse all skin types and safely control itching due to allergies, dandruff, fungus, bacteria, mange and hot spots.
Mixed together with some tender love and care from us, your dog will thank you for a relaxing and rejuvenating bathing experience, and you will, too!
*Pricing is based upon each dog’s size, temperament, weight, and fur coat needs.
Brush Out

Let’s face it, some dogs need more grooming than others and we’re always here to help.
Regular and frequent brushing helps to detangle, remove dirt and evenly distribute skin oils, leaving your dog with a healthy, shiny coat.
*Pricing is based upon each dog’s size, temperament, weight, and fur coat needs.